My link with Jordan is the fact that my widowed great great grandmother, Bridget (Slattery) Markham (1820-1898) married Nicholas Joseph Jordan (1836-1903) , son of Nicholas. and Sarah Jordan. There were many other Jordan – Markham descendant marriages in later generations.
At the age of 31, Michael Jordan was convicted in 1826 of the “crime” of administering unlawful oaths, a process arising out of the rural dissatisfaction with British rule and discrimination against Catholics, particularly in impoverished rural areas. The main cause of civil unrest in Ireland in the 1820s was poverty combined with unemployment. The payment of tithes to the Church and onerous property rents to landlords were also constant sources of discontent and causes of rebellion.
Michael (later, in the Colony, Nicholas) was born in Taghshinny in County Longford in 1795. He had been married to Sarah Smith, whose parents were Edward Smith and Ann McCormack, prior to his incarceration, and at the time of the trial, had two children, of whom more below. His occupation was as a Dry Cooper.
Jordan’s trial took place in Longford, the county town of County Longford in Ireland. A Catholic, he was sentenced to Life and transported, along with 198 others (of whom seven were convicted of the same offence in Co Longford), to New South Wales. He petitioned for his release but was unsuccessful:
1826 Prisoner Nicholas Jordan
Prays to be restored
To His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
The humble petition of Nicholas Jordan at present confined in the jail of Longford under sentence of transportation for life most humbly sheweth, your Lordship, that your Petitioner was prosecuted by a man of the name of John Dempsey who gave information against Himself and some others who are also sentenced to transportation. Your petitioner being a man of family and having at all times conducted Himself agreeable to the laws of the land and to the satisfaction of the Neighbouring Gentlemen – most earnestly prays Your Excellency would mercifully restore him to his wife and helpless children as Your Petitioner pleads innocence to the crime laid to his charge – and to more fully explain to Your Excellency .Petitioner’s innocence of said crime it was at least two months after the other party was arrested that Your Petitioner was taken and never left the country or his own house – Under the foregoing statement Pettn most humbly prays Your Excellency will mercifully interfere and Pettn his wife and helpless children as in duty bound shall ever pray ________________
I beg leave to certify for Him in:
Formation of his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant that I have known Nicholas Jordan for some time and since my residence in His Parish for five year and half, I have not heard of any irregularity in his conduct until this late crime laid to his charge by John Dempsey.
Signed John Standrock
Rector of Tashinny Roman Catholic County Longford [1]
Bevin Slater Magistrate for Ld County
The Boyne arrived in Port Jackson on Saturday 28 October 1826 after a voyage from Cork of 121 days. The convicts were mustered on board by Colonial Secretary Alexander McLeay on 2nd November 1826. The Monitor remarked that the detention of the prisoners of the Boyne was protracted because they were awaiting arrangements to be made for the immediate assignment of all of the prisoners[2]. They were not landed until early in the morning on 10th November when they were inspected by the Governor and were reported to be clean and healthy.
The Ship’s Indent records that he was “disposed of” to Dr Redfern, (whose nephew W R Watt, who was to have a professional relationship with Jordan in later years, managed Redfern’s lands in the Lachlan River region).. It is not known exactly where Jordan was between 1826 and 1828. By the 1828 Census, Jourdan (sic) “… was in the ‘household of’ (i.e assigned to) “John Grant 60 miles west of Bathurst”. Grant had very close relations with Redfern, so it would be quite possible that Jordan had uninterrupted service with either Redfern or Grant from the time he left the “Boyne”. Grant’s property, “60 miles west of Bathurst”” would have been at Belubula, only 40 miles from Milburn Creek.

The 1102 acre site where Clifton Park is located was broken up in the 1850s, not having been sold. It is more likely that, during the 1830s, Jordan was assigned on W R Watt’s 1100 acre site diagonally across Milburn Creek from the Higgins site, north of the junction. [Baker’s Atlas. Co Bathurst. NLA.]
While, he owned and lived on Clifton Park after his freedom, it is more likely he and his family were two or three miles north on Milburn Creek in the employ of W R Watt. He could not have been living on unleased land (Clifton Park site) as he was still assigned. The question of just when he moved to Milburn Creek, and where on the creek he raised his family in the 1830s, is examined in “Milburn Creek Pioneers – Markham or Jordan?”
His wife Sarah 35 and two daughters, Mary 13, and Ellen age 10, arrived on the “Boyne” on 6 August 1833, under the Government scheme where families were reunited with well behaved convicts, even before freedom. They left Cork on 15 April 1833 with 14 other mothers and 39 children in the same category.[3] According to Sarah’s Cowra Free Press obituary,[4] they went immediately to ” her homestead at Milburn Creek where she had resided since her arrival in the Colony.” This is doubtful, for reasons stated above, which are reinforced by her Town and Country Journal obituary,[5] which stated “….arrived at Milburn Creek, a short distance from the scene of the lamented lady’s death, where they settled down for many years; eventually removing to Clifton Park, on the banks of the Lachlan River.” In the ensuing years three sons were born to the couple at Milburn Creek – John Nicholas J on 18 July 1834, Nicholas Joseph on 6 September 1836, and William Patrick on 6 June 1838.
His Conditional Pardon was granted on 1 October 1841. Following this he was free to apply for leases of land. [6]
On 12 November 1843, he wrote to Sir Thomas Mitchell, Government Surveyor, in the following terms: [7]
Sir, I beg leave to request you will cause to be put up to Lease for one year the following portion of land formerly leased by Mr William Watt my Agent for me, viz, 1100 acres, bounded by Milburn Creek, County of Bathurst on the West, and likewise by Thomas Higgins purchase being Lot 34.
I am, Sir, Your Obedient Servant, Nicholas Jordan, Milburn Creek, Lachlan 12 November 1843.
To: Sir Thomas Mitchell, Surveyor General.
There is a note in the margin, suggesting he had earlier applied for land a mere six months after being freed :
“Notation on the reverse: Vacant. This land was let on lease to the present applicant as lot 30 on 16 March last, but the licence was subsequently cancelled in consequence of the balance having been omitted to be paid as estimated? To me in Colonial Treasury letter 43/119. “
Some time later, the Government withdrew the previously advertised 1102 acre block at

Jordan blocks on the Lachlan River at Milburn Creek, where “Clifton Park”” is located. Note the original Darbys Falls, which moved to its current location on the Cowra Road in the 1880s. JNJ Jordan was the (first) Postmaster in the 1850s during this time.
the junction of the Lachlan and the west side of Milburn Creek, breaking it up into several smaller blocks. Jordan became the owner of some of these and established Clifton Park. I cannot establish specific timing.
As will be seen in the obituaries below, the family and subsequent generations remained in the area as settlers and farmers.
DESCENDANT TREE -First Four Generations.
1 Michael (Nicholas) JORDAN b: 1795 in Ireland, Arr. Australia: 1826 in “Boyne”, d: 11 Jan 1871 in ‘Clifton’, Darby’s Falls NSW
+ Sarah SMITH b: 1786 in Co Longford, Ireland, m: Ireland, Arr. Australia: 06 Aug1833 in “Caroline”, d: 25 Sep 1892 in ‘Clifton Park’ Milburn Ck, NSW.
Mrs Sarah JORDAN. Death of an old identity.
A very old identity has passed away to her rest. We allude to the death of Mrs Jordan, who has been associated with the district since its infancy. This sad event took place on Sunday last at her homestead at Milburn Creek where she had resided since her arrival in the Colony. Mrs Jordan came to Australia from her native town, Tipperary, Ireland about 60 years ago, following her husband. They came to Cowra and settled down. At the time of her death, Mrs Jordan was 106 years old, having been born in the year 1786. She was fond of recounting incidents in her early life, and had a retentive memory for facts. Among her recollections was the Irish rebellion in 1798, events connected with which she could clearly recall. She had three sons and two daughters, all of whom live in the district. The funeral took place on Tuesday last, and the body was interred in the presence of a large concourse of mourners. The Rev P J Doran officiated at the grave.[ Cowra Free Press 30 September 1892]
Death of a Centenarian.
One of the oldest and most respected residents of the Mount McDonald district, Mrs. Jordan, senr, passed quietly away on Sunday last, at her residence, Clifton Park, aged 103 years. The deceased lady was a native of County Longford, Ireland, and left there in the early portion of the year 1832 in company with her husband and two little children for the purpose of founding a new home in what was at that time a new country. After a brief stay in Sydney the Jordans, after a journey attended by many difficulties and hardships, arrived at Milburn Creek, a short distance from the scene of the lamented lady’s death, where they settled down for many years; eventually removing to Clifton Park, on the banks of the Lachlan River, where the whole of the remainder of her life was spent. The head of the family died 22 years ago at the advanced age of 93 years. Mrs. Jordan loaves a large family, and numerous grand and great-grand children, for whom sympathy is widely felt. The funeral started on Tuesday for Cowra, where the remains were to be interred by the side of those of her husband. [Australian Town and Country Journal. Sat 8 October 1892.]
…2 Ellen JORDAN b: Abt. 1820 in Ireland, Arr. Australia: 06 Aug 1833 in “Caroline”, d: 19 Dec 1915 in Darbys Falls NSW
The death occurred at Darbys Falls on Sunday of a very old and estimable colonist, in the person of Miss Anne Jordan. The deceased lady, who had reached the advanced age of 95 years resided almost the whole of that time in the Cowra district. The funeral took place on Tuesday and was very largely attended. Very Rev. Fr O’Kennedy performed the last rites. [Cowra Free Press Thursday 23 December 1915.]
…2 Mary JORDAN b: Abt. 1823 in Ireland, Arr. Australia: 06 Aug 1833 in “Caroline”, d: 1901 married Bryan (Bernard) GROGAN b: Abt. 1822 in Ireland, m: 1847 in Bathurst NSW, Arr Australia: 1833 in “Caroline”, d: 1893 in Queensland
This marriage of Mary Jordan and Bernard Grogan is interesting. The pair had both arrived in Australia on 6 August on the “CAROLINE”, Mary as a 10 year old with her sister and mother, and Bernard as an 11 year old along with his mother. On arrival the families parted ways. Eight years later, Bernard married Sarah Cahery, with whom he had one son, William J Grogan (who became a very well known and regarded farmer in the Yass district). Sarah died in 1842 and Bernard and Mary married five years later in Bathurst. A story of a ‘shipboard romance….taking 14 years to fruition?’
……3 Bernard GROGAN b: 1850
……3 Anne GROGAN b: 1851 mrried Timothy MORIARTY
………4 Cathleen MORIARTY married Joseph McMILLON m: Sydney NSW
…..3 Patrick GROGAN b: 1852, d: 1918 in Queensland
…..3 Mary GROGAN b: 1856
…..3 James GROGAN b: 1858
…..3 Michael GROGAN b: 1860
…..3 Sarah J GROGAN b: 1862
…..3 Three children GROGAN
…2 John Nicholas J JORDAN b: 18 Jul 1834 in Milburn Creek NSW, d: 30 Jun 1917 in Darbys Falls NSW married Mary WHITTY b: 1843, m: 1864 in Carcoar NSW, d: 18 Feb 1893
The above mentioned gentleman died at his late residence, Darby’s Falls, on Saturday last. The late Mr. Jordan was born at Milburn Creek, near Mt McDonald, on July 18th, 1883 (sic), consequently he was in his 83rd year. A little over four years ago he received a paralytic stroke, as a result of which he was confined to his bed up till the time of his death. Previous to being stricken down he followed farming pursuits and took a keen interest in politics. He was the first Postmaster at Darby’s Falls, retaining that position for over 30 years. Used, as he was, to the ” strenuous life,” he bore with Christian fortitude his four years of physical helplessness. A more upright or conscientious man never drew the breath of life. Eight up to within a few weeks of his death he was a voracious reader, and kept himself conversant with the doings of the world. He was frequently at- tended by the Cowra priests, and died fortified by the Sacraments. He leaves 4 sons, Patrick William and Nicholas Bernadine (Darby’s Falls), John Edward (Mount McDonald), Thomas R., (man- ager for Jas. Martin & Co., Temora), and 4 daughters, Mrs T. Markham (Darby’s Falls), Mesdames H. Grogan, W. A. Markham, and Miss S. J. Jordan (Cowra) to mourn their loss. The funeral to the Darby’s Falls cemetery on Sunday evening was a large one, Rev. D. O’Kennedy officiating at the grave-
side. R.I.P. [Cowra Free Press 4 July 1917.]MARY (WHITTY) JORDAN – Died at St Vincent’s Hospital, on the 18th Instant, Mary, the beloved wife of J V Jordan, postmaster, Darbys Falls, in her 50th year. Sweet Jesus have mercy on her.
[Freeman’s Journal, Sydney Sat 25 Feb 1893.]……3 Mary Julia JORDAN b: 1864, d: 19 Dec 1946 married Thomas Walsh MARKHAM b: 25 May 1861 in Cowra NSW, m: 1900 in Cowra NSW, d: 09 Feb 1933 in Darbys Falls, NSW
………4 Eileen May MARKHAM b: 22 Apr 1901 in Cowra NSW, d: 26 Mar 1969 in Darbys Falls NSW
………4 Rose Veronica MARKHAM b: 27 Nov 1902 in Cowra NSW, d: 20 Feb 1973 mrried Kenneth Lawrence FORD b: 23 Oct 1897 in “Willow Valley”, Peelwood NSW, m: 1936 in Cowra NSW, d: 06 Dec 1981 in Campbelltown NSW
………4 John Clarence Jordan (Clarrie) MARKHAM b: 13 Apr 1907 in Cowra NSW, d: 23 May 1980 in Darbys Falls NSW
………4 James Clive Walsh (Clive) MARKHAM b: 13 Apr 1907 in Cowra, d: 13 Feb 1984 in Darbys Falls NSW
………4 Oliver Thomas MARKHAM b: 1909 in Cowra NSW, d: 11 May 1952 in Darbys Falls NSW
……3 Patrick William JORDAN b: 1867 in “Clifton” Milburn Ck NSW d. 1949 Cowra NSW married Aida WARD b: 10 Oct 1883, m: 1926 in Drummoyne NSW, d: 09 Oct 1978 Sydney NSW
……3 Nicholas Bernadine JORDAN b: 1868 in Carcoar NSW, d: Darbys Falls NSW
……3 John Edward Joseph JORDAN b: 13 Jul 1871 in ‘Clifton’, Darbys Falls, NSW married Jane Susannah Veronica ANTHONY b: 29 Jan 1878 in Gunning Flat, NSW, m: 15 Apr 1901 in Cowra NSW, d: 07 Jan 1948 in Marrickville, NSW
………4 Gregory Vincent JORDAN
………4 John T JORDAN
………4 Jean Veronica JORDAN
………4 Beatrice Mary JORDAN
…..3 Annie Eleanor JORDAN b: 1876 in Cowra NSW married Eugene (Hughie) GROGAN m: 1907 in Bathurst NSW
….3 Rosanna Mary Ruperta (Rose) JORDAN b: 1879 in Cowra NSW, d: 08 Jul 1965 in Cowra N.S.W married William Saint Augustine MARKHAM b: 28 Aug 1872 in Milburn Creek, NSW, m: 1910 in Cowra NSW, d: 21 Jun 1945 in Cowra NSW
………4 Iris Mary MARKHAM b: 1911 in Cowra NSW, d: 12 Sep 1942 in Cowra NSW married Reginald Henry PUTTOCK b: 1912, m: 1940 in Cowra NSW, d: 24 Oct 1992
………4 Urban W MARKHAM b: 1914 in Cowra NSW, d: 25 Dec 1976 in Cowra NSW
………4 Elwynn (Lee) MARKHAM b: 07 Jan 1925 in Cowra NSW, d: 01 Jul 1976 in Sydney NSW married Ellen Anne (Nell) MURPHY b: 11 Feb 1925 in Winton QLD, m: 07 Feb 1959, d: 30 May 2004
……3 Thomas Rupert JORDAN b: 1881 in Darbys Falls, nr Cowra NSW, d: 12 Jan 1950 in Katoomba, NSW married Alice Maud ANTHONY b: Abt. 1883, m: 30 Dec 1908 in Morongla, NSW
Mr Thomas Rupert Jordan who opened the first store at Darbys Falls near Cowra in 1904, died suddenly at his residence “Glenora”, Katoomba on January 12. Born at Clifton, Darbys Falls in 1881, he married Miss Maud Anthony in 1907 at Morongla Creek and for the past 22 years has lived at Katoomba. One brother Nicholas and three sisters Sara, Annie and Rose survive him. There were nine children of the marriage. Three sons and two daughters predeceased Mr Jordan. Other children are Olive, Una, Clare (Mrs Bourke), Moya (Mrs Hammond), Margaret (Sister M Brenda of the Sisters of Charity). There is one grandchild.
………4 Clare Margaret JORDAN married John Patrick Bourke m. Katoomba 1943
………4 Margaret Mary JORDAN, b. Cowra NSW 2 May 1924
Sister M Brenda Jordan, Sisters of Charity. (Margaret Mary Jordan). Her family moved to Wentworth Falls in the Blue Mountains. Her sister Clare married but her other sisters, Olive, Moya and Una continued to live in the family home. Margaret and her sisters received their primary education at St Canice’s School Katoomba and for secondary St Mary’s Katoomba. [Obituary Book of the Sisters of Charity.]
………4 Josephine Olive M (Ollie?) JORDAN b: 1909 in Cowra NSW
………4 Kathleen M JORDAN b: 1911 in Cowra NSW, d: 1912 in Cowra NSW
………4 Moya Magdalene JORDAN b: 1912 in Cowra NSW married Edward Joseph Hammond m.1939 Auburn NSW.
………4 John N JORDAN b: 1915 in Temora NSW, d: 1915 in Temora NSW
………4 Thomas Anthony JORDAN b: 02 Aug 1915 in Temora NSW, d: 05 Aug 1915 in Temora NSW
………4 Una Marie JORDAN b: 1916 in Temora NSW
………4 Thomas JORDAN b: 22 May 1922 in Cowra, NSW, d: 24 May 1922 in Cowra, NSW
……3 Sarah Jane JORDAN b: 1873, d: 02 May 1960 in Darlinghurst NSW married John TAYLOR b: 1855, m: 1923 in Cowra N.S.W, d: 29 May 1935
…2 Nicholas Joseph JORDAN b: 06 Sep 1836 in Darbys Falls, NSW, d: 06 Sep 1903 in Darbys Falls, NSW married Bridget (Markham) SLATTERY b: 1820 in Co Limerick, IRE, m: 03 Nov 1870 in ‘Clifton Park’, Darbys Falls, NSW, Arr. Australia: 1833 in “Surry”, d: 14 Jun 1898 in Darbys Falls, NSW.
The late Mr Nicholas JORDAN
Our community was shocked and deeply grieved on Sunday evening when it became known that Mr Nicholas J Jordan of Clifton Park, Darbys Falls, one of the oldest natives of the district, had breathed his last. The late Mr Jordan, who had not enjoyed robust health for some years, sustained a very severe shock on 26th ultimo, when apprised of the death of his old neighbour and intimate friend, Mr Robert Newham. After the receipt of the news, he sat in front of the fire in his sitting room, brooding over the event, and expressed the opinion that his time upon earth was also rapidly drawing to a close. At 6 p.m. he retired to rest and shortly after, a very severe attack of diarrhea set in, which continued unchecked until Friday last, where an already delicate constitution was reduced to a very serious condition. On Saturday he received the consolation of religion from the Rev. P J Doran, and when the Rev. gentleman left him, he appeared to be cheerful and resigned, but very weak. During the same night he had several fainting fits indicating weakness of the heart, but rallied lightly on Sunday morning. Towards the afternoon of the same day Mr George Elliott of Mt McDonald, conversed with him, and later on Mr Phillips Solicitor, called and was recognised by the invalid. After replying to some questions and, while Mr Phillips was in the act of reading the last Will of the dying man, he quietly and peacefully breathed his last, without the slightest struggle, failure of the heart’s action being the immediate cause.
The late Mr Jordan was the son of one of one of the earliest pioneers of the district. He was born at Darbys Falls on September 6, 1836 and died on his 67th anniversary, after spending the whole of his life in the district. He was a widower, his wife having predeceased him about three years, but he leaves no issue. An aged sister was Ellen Jordan, and brother Mr John N Jordan, both of whom are residents of Darbys Falls, are now the only survivors of the family, but they have numerous relatives throughout the district. The coffin containing the remains of as good and honourable a man as ever existed was removed from the deceased’s late residence to St Raphael’s Church, Cowra on Tuesday and was taken thence to the cemetery the same afternoon, the very large funeral cortege which was composed of residents from all parts of the district, bearing ample testimony to the very high esteem in our much lamented old friend was held by all classes. [Cowra Free Press Thurs. 10 September 1903.]
Mrs Nicholas JORDAN formerly Mrs Edward MARKHAM of Spring Vale died at Clifton near Darbys Falls. Aged 78 years.
“The wife of Mr Nick Jordan, of Clifton, near Darbys Falls, was gathered to the great majority on Wednesday morning, 6th Instant, at the advanced age of 78 years. The deceased lady was very well preserved for her years and would most probably have lived for many years if she had not encountered an attack of influenza and pneumonia in an acute form some weeks ago.
The late Mrs Jordan was one of the oldest residents of the district. She was twice married, her first husband being the late Mr E. Markham, lessee of the Milburn Creek Station, and a highly respected pastoralist. She married Mr Jordan about 23 or 24 years ago. She was the mother of Mr Markham, Sen., of Mt McDonald, and Mrs O’Leary, Mulyan, and amongst her grandsons may be included Messrs. Markham Bros, Sawmill proprietors, of Mt McDonald. Her marriage connections in this district are pretty extensive, embracing nearly all the old pioneer families. The funeral was a very large one, reaching Cowra between 1 and 2 p.m. on Thursday, when the body was removed from the hearse to the church, where customary prayers were recited by the Rev. D. O’Kennedy. The remains were subsequently conveyed to the local cemetery, the Rev. O’Kennedy performing the final rites. Widespread sympathy is felt with the mourning husband and relatives. ” [Cowra Guardian, 23 June 1898.]
…2 William Patrick JORDAN b: 06 Jun 1838 in Milburn Creek NSW, d: 23 Feb 1889 in Milburn Creek NSW married Sophia Eliza NEWHAM b: 29 Jan 1841 in Lachlan Rd., Yass NSW, m: 26 Jan 1863 in St. Augustine’s RC, Yass NSW, d: 1905 in Cowra NSW
Patrick JORDAN
It is with feelings of very deepest regret I desire to record the death of Mr Patrick Jordan, which sad event took place at his late residence, Milburn Creek, on the 23rd Ultimo, after an illness extending over a fortnight. The sdeceased, although apparently robust and healthy, had not been by any means strong for a period of seven years, about which time he contracted a bronchial complaint from which, up to the time of his demise, had been an acute sufferer. The treatment of the most skilled of the medical faculty failed to afford more than the most temporary relief. The late Mr Jordan was a native of Milburn Creek, his birthplace being only a mile distant from where he expired. He was only 50 years of age and his many excellent qualities of heart and mind made him an universal favourite. A devotedly attached wife and eight children survive to mourn the loss of an affectionate, kind, and indulgent husband and father. All that was mortal of as good a man as ever drew the breath of life was interred at the cemetery on Sunday last, when a very large number of sympathising friends assembled to pay their last tribute of respect to the departed. The deepest sympathy is felt in the surrounding district for the sadly bereaved family. [Cowra Free Press 8 March 1889.]
……3 Mary Sarah JORDAN b: 13 Mar 1863 in ‘Springvale,’ Lachlan River NSW, d: Aft. 1909 in Carcoar NSW married Edward WHITTY b: 1853 in Merriganowry, NSW, m: 1885 in Carcoar NSW, d: Jul 1909 in Darbys Falls NSW
………4 Christopher Patrick WHITTY b: 18 Nov 1886 in ‘Bella’s Grove’, nr Cowra NSW, d: 12 Jul 1952 in Cowra, NSW married Pearl Elenor ANTHONY b: Abt. 1890 in Cowra, NSW, m: 18 Oct 1909 in ‘Ryan’s Vale’, Darbys Falls, NSW, d: 02 Dec 1960 in North Auburn, NSW
………4 Margaret A WHITTY b: 1889 in Cowra NSW
………4 Grace WHITTY b: 19 Jan 1893 in ‘Bella’s Grove’, nr Cowra NSW, d: 18 Jun 1946 in Cowra, NSW married John James ANTHONY b: Abt. 1881 in Cocomingla, nr Cowra, NSW, m: 27 Jul 1914 in Cowra NSW, d: 18 Dec 1916 in Cowra, NSW and later married Harry Charles LANGFIELD m: 1928
……3 Nicholas JORDAN b: 31 Mar 1866 in Binalong NSW, d: 12 Oct 1937 in Cowra NSW married Catherine Agnes WHITTY b: 1880, m: 1901 in Cowra NSW, d: 1954
………4 Patrick JORDAN
………4 Vera M JORDAN b: 1902 in Cowra NSW
………4 Agnes L JORDAN b: 1905 in Cowra NSW
………4 Kevin T JORDAN b: 1906 in Cowra NSW
………4 Roy N JORDAN b: 1908 in Cowra NSW
………4 Harold J JORDAN b: 1912 in Cowra NSW
………4 Teresa M JORDAN b: 1917 in Cowra NSW
……3 William JORDAN b: 13 May 1868 in Binalong NSW
……3 Charles JORDAN b: 1870 in Binalong NSW, d: Bef. 1886
……3 George JORDAN b: 07 Jan 1872 in Wyangala NSW married Rosanna O’NEILL m: 05 Feb 1907 in Cowra NSW
……3 Lucy Hannah JORDAN b: 03 Jul 1874 in Cowra NSW married Alfred H MOXON m: 1902 in Cowra NSW
……3 Patrick JORDAN b: May 1877 in Cowra NSW, d: 04 Jun 1877 in ‘Clifton Park, Darbys Falls NSW
……3 Agnes JORDAN b: 04 Apr 1879, d: Bef. 1886
……3 Herbert Patrick JORDAN b: 23 Aug 1881
……3 Sophia M (Tot) JORDAN (Sr Clothilde) b: 02 Nov 1883 in Darbys Falls NSW, d: 30 Dec 1931 in Bathurst, buried at St. Joseph’s Convent, Perthville NSW
……3 Theresa Mary JORDAN b: 10 Sep 1886 in Milburn Creek NSW, d: 11 Nov 1970 in Newcastle N.S.W married Edward WARK b: 1885 in Junee, NSW, m: 25 Mar 1909 in Dubbo NSW, d: 12 Jul 1950 in 12 Dawson St, Waratah, NSW
………4 Eric WARK………4 Frederick WARK married Patricia McGOVERN m: 14 Feb 1942 in Corpus Christi, Waratah, NSW
………4 George WARK
………4 Marjorie WARK
………4 Andrew WARK
………4 John WARK
- Petition 1701 of 1826. Reference PPC1820 Kindly provided by Ruth Mann.↵
- The Monitor 10 November 1826.↵
- See for the story of the journey.↵
- Cowra Free Press 30 Sep 1892.↵
- Australian Town and Country Journal Sat Oct 8, 1892.↵
- Sydney Gazette Saturday 15 October 1842 . His Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified, that the Right Honourable the Secretary of State has signified in his despatch dated 23 May 1842, No 111, Her Majesty’s gracious approbation and allowance of the ….Conditional Pardons granted to the undermentioned individuals.Conditional Pardons, dated 1 October 1841:…… Jordan, Michael, BOYNE 1826……..[NOTE: These were also notified in The Australian 6 and 7 Dec 1842.]↵
- Colonial Secretary Letters received re Land AONSW Reel 1147 ColSec Received 43/9094 12 December 1843.↵